Mindful Wing Chun

For students that wish to continue their Wing Chun journey outside of class or for anyone that is unable to attend the Club in person, we’ve partnered with Mindful Wing Chun to offer their comprehensive online Wing Chun program. A former student of Sifu Mark and a founding member of Chi Sau Club, Sifu Nima King moved to Hong Kong in 2007 to train with Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin before investing more than 5 years developing this step by step self-paced eLearning program – with hundreds of hours of detailed instructional videos covering the entire system.

Mindful Wing Chun – Main Program

Subscription (monthly/yearly) or Lifetime Access

This program was put together by Sifu Nima King who has been teaching Wing Chun for over 20 years and spent close to ten thousand hours training under Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin over a period of 9 years. It is a comprehensive course from the very fundamentals to the pinnacle of the weapon forms and applications.

In addition to their main program, Mindful Wing Chun also offers standalone courses on each aspect of the system These are one off purchases that provide lifetime access to the training material.

This is a 3 part course coving the Siu Nim Tao form which is the pre-requisite course to all the other upcoming courses. It covers all the necessary ideas that set the foundations for this very unique method of ‘INTERNAL’ Wing Chun as taught by Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin. 

For this reason, this course is recommended for ALL who are interested in this method. Regardless of Wing Chun or other training background (from complete beginners all the way up to experienced practitioners and teachers of other Wing Chun lineage).

If you would like to learn all the Wing Chun forms, we recommend to join our Main Course. This is only SNT (SNT is included in the Main Course).

Part 1 – Curriculum & Enrolment

Part 2 – Curriculum & Enrolment

Part 3 – curriculum & Enrolment

Siu Nim Tao Course

This is a 3 part course coving the Siu Nim Tao form which is the pre-requisite course to all the other upcoming courses. It covers all the necessary ideas that set the foundations for this very unique method of ‘INTERNAL’ Wing Chun as taught by Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin. 

For this reason, this course is recommended for ALL who are interested in this method. Regardless of Wing Chun or other training background (from complete beginners all the way up to experienced practitioners and teachers of other Wing Chun lineage).

If you would like to learn all the Wing Chun forms, we recommend to join our Main Course. This is only SNT (SNT is included in the Main Course).

Chum Kiu Course

Compulsory Prerequisite Courses:

SNT Part 1, SNT Part 2

Recommended Prerequisite Courses:

SNT Part 3

Chum Kiu is the 2nd empty hand Form in Wing Chun Kung Fu. This 2 part course should be completed before moving onto the Biu Gee and Wooden Dummy courses.

Part 1 – Curriculum & Enrolment

Part 2 – Curriculum & Enrolment

Biu Gee Course

Compulsory Prerequisite Courses

SNT Part 1 , SNT Part 2, Chum Kiu Part 1

Recommended Prerequisite Courses

SNT Part 3 , Chum Kiu Part 2

Biu Gee is the 3rd and final empty hand Form in the Wing Chun Kung Fu system. It is where we learn to produce maximum power within all movements. It is rare for practitioners to understand and be able to apply the ‘internal’ method of performing Biu Gee, and many merely copy the external movements without the knowledge and proper instructions of the internal working of the body and mind while performing. Furthermore, it is common knowledge that Biu Gee was not traditionally taught to many students in the past, making this course a very valuable one within the Wing Chun.

Curriculum & Enrolment

Chi Sau Course

Compulsory Prerequisite Courses

SNT Part 1 , SNT part 2

Recommended Prerequisite Courses

SNT Part 3 , Chum Kiu Part 1, Chum Kiu Part 2

This course covers Chi Sao from the very beginning to the most advanced stages of the practice.

Chi Sao is unique to the art of Wing Chun but there are many different interpretations of it’s use and method of practice depending on the lineage and teacher. 

Using the ‘internal’ method of practice, we are able to produce great power with every move while using very little brute muscular force. This also means that we not only avoid injuries to our shoulders, but we learn how to utilize the shoulder girdle in a way that allows us to injury-proof it when it’s under the pressure of incoming force, which means the benefits of this practice will go beyond the practice of Wing Chun and into our daily lives.

Wooden Dummy Course

Compulsory Prerequisite Courses:

SNT Part 1 , SNT Part 2, Chum Kiu part 1

Recommended Prerequisite Courses:

SNT Part 3 , Chum Kiu Part 2, Biu Gee

Students often express that the most fun and enjoyable Wing Chun practice are the Wooden Dummy and Chi Sao. The Wooden Dummy is a perfect tool for those who don’t spend too much time working with a partner and once one has gained enough experience and ability in performing the traditional Dummy form (set sequence of movements), they may creatively come up with many of their own drills and movements to practice. It should be noted that if practiced properly, the Dummy is such a useful tool for getting feedback on the delivery of the correct ‘internal’ power cultivated in the empty hand forms.

Curriculum & Enrolment